Posts tagged Free Walking Tour
Pounding Pivo in Prague

Prague was one of our favorite cities in Europe and beer (or pivo in the Czech language) is only part of the reason why.

Hot Take: A backpacker’s dream of history, culture, walkability, beer, and low-prices, Prague is enchanting and one of Europe’s best capital cities. (5.0 stars)

Pro Tip: Take a few beers to the Old Town Square at night, walking around with an open beer is seemingly encouraged and a couple extra beers makes it easy to find new friends.

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Two Days in Plovdiv

Plovdiv, Bulgaria was everything we were hoping for in our Balkans sojourn, all rolled into one adorable little town and we'll tell you how to have the perfect day there.

Hot Take: Plovdiv is the kinda place you would picture if you closed your eyes and imagined a picturesque Bulgarian town…but in real life it is even better than that. (4.5 stars)

Pro Tip: Stay in the Kapana Area in the city center for the best blend of convenience and local flavor.

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